Jun 17, 2024, 3:29:36 PM
https://www.facebook.com/share/p/KEuMuohVecVuJLsd/ Is this even legal to sell government housing in lambak kanan for 70k? I know renovating is allowed as long as ABCI approved but selling i don't think so.
Perpindahan cannot be sold, already
said in LegCo
this year.Your Perpindahan has no market value, unlike Singaporeans can sell their HDB.
I remember the condition of the land title of perumahan houses saying something along this line: Tidak dapat dijual beli atau dipindah milik kepada sesiapa kecuali atas kebenaran daripada KDYMM
Yeah, technically its possible to sell but you need a very very strong cable for that 😂
"just prepare the two letters", basically making a non legal binding agreement with the house name still under original owner even though payment already done. Kinda stupid whoever's gonna take it.
I hate it when that seller that pointing out about pondok on gov land, the halal haram and all that to justify his doings.
Remind me of the poklen thaat wan to rent one of the lugu housing and demand cheaply because its gov housing...lol these ppl never learn
Everywhere you see is scam. Just pandai2 tau berhati hati. Not everyone can take care for you. Just watch out for yourself. If you fall for such obvious trap, then you can only blame yrself. I don't advocate for more rules/regulations because of one person causing everyone else inconvenience
Others are checking this out too! ⤵︎
I found the information below and here's a summary
Did you know that selling government housing in Lambak Kanan for just 70k is a hot topic? Apparently, it's illegal! But some folks are trying to find loopholes, like using non-binding agreements. Talk about a housing drama with a twist!
Others are checking this out too! ⤵︎