Jun 17, 2024, 3:23:21 PM
Is this even legal to sell government housing in lambak kanan for 70k? I know renovating is allowed as long as ABCI approved but selling i don't think so.
Awww….man. This is going to be a spoiler example that gives government a reason to become more stringent. One rotten apple spoil the whole basket of apples. I applied in 2012 and still in line to receive housing.
The government make these housing affordable for the public’s benefit and should just be grateful for that. Not go and take advantage and turn a profit.
Wish house can be that cheap. The minmum house to build a family in is around 170+k above.
Hope one day we can buy rumah perpindahan. Theres alot of empty houses that is left to rot.
The younger gen cant buy a house if this keeps up. The price is getting higher but the median salary is stagnant.
beceramah ia si baie ah mcm ia lurus saja. ani usulnya anu urg perasaan ia lurus. budi bicara tah apa, sudah kanapatan krg lapas tangan.
It's very risky buying perumahan regardless black n white, coloured or using perfumed paper. Mmg nda dpt d jual. Correct me if I'm wrong, even penjamin pun nda dpt mengambil rmh atu sekiranya owner nda tebayar. Ani tah lagi org luar.
That OP tah becakap jgn ingar, u never know waris yg berhak berubah hati kan mau rmh atu balik. Majal tu OP mempost. At first makai acc ori. Ani jdi anon tia. Lol
Selling nope. Can't transfer name for perumahan.
Perumahan should change the guarantor policy to insurance that covers the price of the house. Its cheaper, it can be $100+ and pay once only. Its not renewal basis. In the case of owner of the house passed away or TPD, the insurance company or takaful operator will pay the remaining balance of the house.
stupid is the pembeli. cop makamah ada cop makamah ☺️
Just thinking if this can be resolved if the policy can be changed? Probably allow for the legal transactions/change name of the RPN housing? So Bruneian will have the chance to own house(cheaper option) as well as to minimise the number of abandon perumahan housing? Atleast this help the gov to reduce number of future perumahan..
Just saying huhuhu coz i myself pun waiting for perumahan in KB,and looking here,ada banyak abandoned houses.I wish I can buy it if the owner doesn't need the house..
I can still see the person who commented since OP tagged them. Just a heads up. Also, OP sounds way too defensive, so they definitely know that what their doing is illegal
Actually, in the past yes, they cant transfer names but today, its applicable. But under very2 special or specific circumstances only. I myself am waiting waiting transffering names myself. Alot of process to go through, land department, court etc. In terms of renting, the housing people well aware of the issue and they chose to ignore it coz it partially solve their own problem on housing issue in the country. Only thing is if there are problems, they will play dumb not knowing the the issue.
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I found the information below and here's a summary
Did you know that government housing in Brunei is a hot topic? People are debating whether it's legal to sell these homes, with some arguing it's unfair to profit from affordable housing meant for public benefit. It's a classic case of 'one bad apple spoils the bunch'! 🍏🏠
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