Nov 30, 2024, 1:28:42 AM
The Wawasan 2035 report: The current progress in Brunei towards becoming the top 10 richest and most developed country in the world by 2035↳
The report states the ranking in 2022, which is presented as achievement, but does not state what are the goals to be met. That is a bit meaningless. Also, it doesn’t show the trend, and therefore whether Brunei is heading in the correct direction, or retreating from it.
A good feel good report, but a bit meaningless. Seems like it’s just angkat bakul. Whether the basket is empty or full or rotten, they don’t say.
Most developed? I don't think so.
Top 10 indeed. But from the bottom.
Urang macam awda pun kan meliat ani bah! ⤵︎
I found the information below and here's a summary
The Wawasan 2035 report is like a shiny trophy with no clear game plan! It claims Brunei aims to be among the top 10 richest countries by 2035, but forgets to share the actual goals or progress. It's all about the feels without the facts—a real mystery wrapped in a riddle!