Jun 18, 2024, 9:26:37 AM
I-Ready at a Small Company
Small companies are the best place to learn. The biggest boss is still accessible and you get to do or see little bit of everything. And the small company gets a big project, you will most likely get a big promotion. If you're good enough.
If the company is sucessful then they're more likely to offer you permanent spot
Only your judgement can decide it for you, my advice is its better to go for a more established and known company though because they'll likely offer you a spot after.
In the current economy climate, i sincerely wish you the best of luck..
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I found the information below and here's a summary
Small companies are like treasure chests for fresh graduates! You get to learn a little bit of everything, and if you impress the big boss, promotions could be just around the corner. Plus, you might find yourself being part of exciting big projects that can skyrocket your career!
Others are checking this out too! ⤵︎