Oct 17, 2024, 2:35:21 PM
Repost: How does the Brunei Dollar work internationally against other currencies.
Currency exchange in Brunei would change 100sgd to 105bnd. Extra 5bnd. Even some Singapore shops reject BND.
okay, seen enough of this currency thing now can we talk about what brunei investment fund own as assets and what do they have shares in ect.
im curious to see if the investment fund is good enough to sustain any collapse in economy, and if needed sustain the country.
When the two countries economy is too far apart, the disparity will cause it to depeg eventually. Our gdp per capital is so far off from sg right now.
The most pressing issue is how we earn foreign currency when oil and gas is finished. We have no export except for oil and gas to exchange for the USD right now.
So it’s not likely or ever that BND be unpegged from SGD in the long run, am I correct to say that? I hope it remains that way for Brunei though.
What is pegging?
It still doesn’t make sense, when I go other countries other than Singapore… it’s not 1:1 where Singapore notes are worth higher than the bnd notes. Does that mean other country can break the pegged currency law?
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I found the information below and here's a summary
Did you know that while the Brunei Dollar is pegged to the Singapore Dollar, it can still create some currency conundrums? For instance, some shops in Singapore might reject BND, leading to some interesting travel tales! Imagine trying to spend your cash in a different country only to be told, 'Nope, not here!'
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