May 29, 2024, 2:15:02 AM
BB Opinion says we need to tackle cyberbullying, including by some toxic 'influencers'↳
Normalize blocking toxic personalities online. Don’t give them the views and numbers.
>Then there was another content creator who called out a certain social media influencer for spewing hatred while hiding behind her religion. The content creator has since been on the receiving end of countless attacks, spurred on by the influencer
Whats the story behind this?
C vios kah tu arah bb opinion?
Block out 2024 should apply to local influenzas too
Hey.. at least we don't have to deal with Johnny Somali
^(May 29, 2024)
Despite multiple calls in the past year to bring cyberbullying to an end, the authorities have yet to come up with a solution to the problem. The toxicity in social media has gotten to the point where even religious figures are stepping in to address the increasingly pressing issue in the form of a Friday sermon last week.
One recent live streaming drew a large crowd to hear a group of content creators talk about how a mentally-ill was causing them harm. The women were obviously emotional and the episode was motivated by anger more than anything else. However, what was more disturbing was the stream of ill will from their audience towards the mentally-ill.
Then there was another content creator who called out a certain social media influencer for spewing hatred while hiding behind her religion. The content creator has since been on the receiving end of countless attacks, spurred on by the influencer.
The fact that these attacks happened right after the Friday sermon is disturbing. I feel bad for the content creator. It’s obvious that the non-stop harassment by both the influencer and her followers has taken the toll on her mental health. Lately, she has begun to show signs of depression.
Despite all this, she continues to spread positive words, such as urging her audience to not stoop down to the level where the toxic influencer resides. It breaks my heart because she tends to live stream her contents and there’s not much we as the audience can do to put an end to it.
It concerns me that cyberbullying, if left unchecked, can caused victims a great deal with mental anguish, or worse, suicidal ideation. Decisive actions need to be taken to address this form of bullying. The authorities need to take a serious look at how damaging cyberbullying is on the mental health of the victim and enforce a better social media environment for both the content creators and the users.
Concerned Social Media User
I would like to applaud the imams for addressing the current trend of bringing shame to others on social media. These so-called influencers are not only creating disharmony among themselves but also inciting their followers to participate in harassing and antagonising others.
There is one content creator that is such a breath of fresh air. She talks about her own experiences and how she overcomes various issues. Unlike her peers, she urges her followers to block channels that they don’t agree with instead of shaming them.
What truly saddens me is that despite the Friday sermon last week, where the imams spoke on the need to communicate based on Islamic teachings, which is to refrain from insulting or degrading others, toxic social media influencers continued to harass the content creator, whose goal is to encourage healthy lifestyle among her followers.
If such behaviour were to take place in real life, the perpetrator would have been charged for harassment. My question is: where is the line between lawful and unlawful behaviour? Is there an agency that can provide protection for people who have been harassed and bullied online?
The ‘good’ content creator was right when she said that there is a growing sickness in our community. Quite a large number of people act against Islamic teachings because according to them, what they deem to be right must be right.
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I found the information below and here's a summary
Cyberbullying is like a toxic game of tag, but instead of touching, it's hurtful words flying across screens! Even religious figures are stepping in to tackle this madness. It's a wild world out there on social media, and some influencers are just stirring the pot with negativity! Time to block those toxic vibes and spread positivity instead!
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