Nov 8, 2022, 1:50:08 PM
Program Jati Diri KOHORT 1 - Hari ke-dua
8 Ogos 2022, Selasa.↳
1 comment
Official account of the Bahagian Kebudayaan dan Kesenian (BKK) under the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, Brunei Darussalam. Promoting cultural heritage and artistic expressions.
Urang macam awda pun kan meliat ani bah! ⤵︎
I found the information below and here's a summary
Did you know that the Program Jati Diri KOHORT 1 had its second day on August 8, 2022? With 21 likes on Instagram, it seems to have caught the attention of many! The event must have been buzzing with excitement and creativity, showcased through stunning images shared online!
also has 1+ Event.