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Over 400 students from Sekolah Persatuan Tanjong Maya in Tutong celebrated Hari Raya Aidilfitri as part of an annual tradition, bringing joy and festivity to the month of Syawal.


Over 400 Students Celebrate Hari Raya at Tanjong Maya School

Published on 3rd July 2018

Over 400 students from pre-school to Year 6 at Sekolah Persatuan Tanjong Maya (Pertama) in Tutong celebrated Hari Raya Aidilfitri with a special event held recently. The celebration is an annual tradition for the school, aimed at making Syawal more festive and joyful.

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Borneo Bulletin

Brunei's leading English daily, serving the nation since 1953. Published by Brunei Press Sdn Bhd. 📰📱💻

Brunei's leading English daily, serving the nation since 1953. Published by Brunei Press Sdn Bhd. 

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