Hello 👋🏻, you are previewing Brunei's next generation 🎉

Everything Bruneireally, everything ⤴︎

I found the information below and here's a summary


I'm thinking


reddit post

Jul 12, 2024, 12:03:29 AM


BDCB: We have bright economic future ahead despite potential O&G downside




Shielded from the truth

False sense of security



Thats what this statement represents.

Maybe we can improve if we actually accept that we are in a mess and start to accept the truth.



I am going to screenshot this and then compare it after 2035.



Toxic positivity on a national scale



Delulu is the solulu.



I love how brunei love to confort itself with sweet beautiful lies"bright economic future ahead" Total energies close down brunei branch and open up in sarawak bintulu. What does this shows? The caption should be like "we could have low future if we didn't do anything to help the economy"



Sampai tah sudah membali palace atu ?



Been saying this 10 years ago. All I can see is sunset at the very west coast of KB.



From 1929 when Oil and Gas was first found in Brunei, we have the opportunity to develop our country. We could have amass great wealth for our sovereign wealth fund via O & G, just like Norway for their Pension Fund. Hell, even the Brits helped us to advance our economy. You know how lucky the country was to have that opportunity laid down for them. We have that chances. But no, decades of misappropriation and corruption by the RFs and higher ups, the only thing we got right now is empty promises, and of course sprinkled it with religion and MIB to manipulate and gaslight the population.

"Be grateful what we have right now. At least we're not <insert country here>." Yes, be grateful that the country's economy is down the toilet hole because the powerful in this country hissed on the idea of change, and ensure us to remain stagnant and devolved further, while they themselves enjoyed the things they forbid us to enjoy outside Brunei. Sometimes I wish the Big Man and his fossil government ministers at least use that decrepit brain cells of them to think thoroughly for the country's future and grow a conscience. But that's a hard sell.



You know it, I know it, for God sake, even they know it! 😅

The numbers may be true, but until they translate into job creation with living wage, public confidence in this administration remains all time low.

For your own & your kids’ future sake, stop with these ‘feel good’ reporting & say it what it is. This admin failed to prepare us for the future & time for change is now!

And we all have to stop pointing fingers at the hard working public servants & ministers - they all working tireless hard! It’s the institution that you all been praising that is bringing this nation to its knees.

To prove my point, in my previous entry, I asked how a monarchy system can be improved. To which, no one could say much, apart from being critical of the alternative I.e democracy.

This says a lot about how one system allows you to be critical and formulate alternatives, while the former - not so much!

Love it or hate it, we need space for critical thinking & ideas to be tested. Some may fail, some may flourish - but one thing is for sure, current system, as it stands, is inept for the future.



OG is definitely not sustainable in a long run. We had a small conference on biotechnology. I'll just summarize it and this is sorta foggy since this was like 4 months my apologies if this is not clear.

So there was this graph (i don't have a picture of it nor i can find it sadly) where x-axis represents three phases;

  • Lower phase: Traditional agriculture
  • Middle phase: Oil and Gas
  • Higher phase: Biotechnology

and the y-axis represents the economic value in accordance with the stages of phase.

So we're in like the middle phase now, and lately our lecturer exclaimed that we are just discovering agriculture as if to say that we are evolving backwards (ironic as evolution sets the stage for becoming better beings) rather than investing in biotechnology.

I believe out of 10 ASEAN countries, only Brunei and Cambodia (if i'm not mistaken) have not yet implemented the higher phase.

Added to this, job marketting in Brunei isn't all that bright.


