Tolong kitani sebarkan cerita ani! ⭐

I found the information below and here's a summary

Mitchy Bell, a Persian cat owned by Dayang Safrinah Musa, won the Best of the Best title at a cat competition in Kuala Belait, showcasing the joy and talent of pet owners and their beloved animals.


Local Cat Mitchy Bell Wins Top Prize!

Published on 9th August 2017

Mitchy Bell, a Persian cat owned by Dayang Safrinah Musa, was crowned the champion in the Best of the Best category at the Local and International Cat Competition held on August 8th at Dewan Kemasyarakatan Kampung Pandan, Kuala Belait. The competition, organized by the Women's Association (WI) with support from Nimanja...

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Borneo Bulletin

Brunei's leading English daily, serving the nation since 1953. Published by Brunei Press Sdn Bhd. 📰📱💻

Brunei's leading English daily, serving the nation since 1953. Published by Brunei Press Sdn Bhd. 

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