Tolong kitani sebarkan cerita ani! ⭐

I found the information below and here's a summary

The 'sandwich generation' in Brunei faces significant challenges, including financial pressures, workplace burnout, and deteriorating mental health, highlighting the urgent need for support and awareness in the community.


reddit post

Oct 25, 2024, 11:38:00 PM


BB Opinion says the current generation in Brunei is 'sandwich generation', facing unprecedented financial pressures, workplace burnout, rising cost, high unemployment and deteriorating mental health


Its long been considered as sandwich generation decades ago but not exposed.

Only nowadays with open internet and social media, we all know that its already at alarming level.



I'm sure the headline in BB tomorrow or a few days time would be someone saying "Prayer will solve all the problems of the sandwich generation". /s



Truth cause we are! Why are the millennials and Gen Zs the most broke ?



Sandwiched by responsibilities, overwhelmed by costs

^(33 mins ago)

I wish to urgently highlight a critical issue affecting many in our community: the struggles of the ‘sandwich generation’.

This group, tasked with caring for ageing parents while supporting their own families, is facing unprecedented financial pressures as their parents approach retirement.

Today’s young generation, particularly graduate students and job seekers, is navigating a landscape filled with challenges. The rising cost of living and a lack of support systems leave them stretched thin, struggling to provide the stability their families need.

It is unacceptable that many submit countless job applications, often without success.

Moreover, workplace burnout has become alarmingly prevalent. Employees are overwhelmed with responsibilities that should be shared among multiple individuals, resulting in exhaustion and declining morale. While companies cite financial difficulties as justification for inadequate salaries, this only compounds the strain on their workforce.

Consequently, countless young adults are forced to juggle part-time jobs to make ends meet, leading to overwhelming stress and deteriorating mental health.

I hope that the authorities recognise these urgent challenges faced by the ‘sandwich generation’. It is imperative that we raise awareness and advocate for actionable solutions that support their financial stability and mental well-being.

Stressed but surviving

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Matrix is real



no shit sherlock



should've added the punchline about intesd of developing country, but 700mil island lol



Jangan ditagur..ada yang marah karang ehe.



Allah will solve all problems. Just like in Gaza, Afghanistan and Iran.



Every generations have their own struggles. Time has proven, life continues if we work hard and dedicate ourselves and trust in allah swt. With his grace and permission, any generations including this “sandwich” will overcome challenges when they work hard and not be choosy with only BSP or government jobs. Be committed to any jobs, do a good job, don’t think of a job in McDonald’s or Ayamku as sementara, who knows, you can be a store manager one day. Alhamdullilah, we will all make it.



Others are checking this out too! ⤵︎