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I found the information below and here's a summary


I'm thinking


reddit post

Jul 18, 2024, 3:46:12 AM


Tradition and Culture




>Why do we worship the dead?

Do we? What is this? Ancient Egypt?



Tradition is not exactly necessary. Do we need to stick to it? Probably not.. But it also gives some people, primarily the elders in the community, a return to their roots. It’s also tied to culture as well regardless of whether it be asian, western, malay, chinese or anything you can think of. There are practices that you can relate back to ethnicity, race and religion as well as geography.

Some of them may not make sense, but it is a practice that defines a specific group. And sure, some traditions may seem questionable when you look at where the origins are from and then relate it to religion. One would need to tread very carefully to not offend the other depending on which you hold more value to.

And I fail to see where it would fall in the category of worshipping the dead in any case instead of it being the honouring of their memory through keeping the traditions alive.

But, and this is the clincher, you get to choose whether to stick to it or not. If the elders in your family wants it, ask them to contribute to do it entirely. In terms of a wedding, at the end of the day, if you’re the financier, no one else should have any say, come what may..



Need explanation for question number 3 though. Who worships the dead? Many elements of my culture are dead and are not practised because of the element of syirik etc. who isn’t letting this “dead people just be dead”?

Tbh i don’t think the dead cares if the living are still practising some of the culture. They’re long gone. Problem lies in people who still try to uphold their cultural practises and are being radical about it. Like the comment above, coexistence of cultural identity and religious obligations are vital esp here in Brunei. With that being said, one should also stop importing Arabic cultures in the name of religion (Islam). There is a need to differentiate the two. This is not an “intelligent” take on the matter for sure.

If you need intelligent answers with evidence and not an emotional take with opinions, stop being lazy and do your own research. Its reddit. That questions are poorly posed and reeks of emotional and personal issues you got going on there. With that being said, like you, i also wonder if there are truly legitimate intellectuals in Brunei. They are probably too busy to open reddit to comment on rhetorical questions like this though.



Tradition and culture are like faith. Some believe it some don't.

If you do it just because it's has been that way but don't know why then that is some weird shit.

It could have been pressure from the people around you but that is like living without purpose. Most boomer will tell you to just listen and follow, don't ask question but times are changing and people don't see things the same anymore.



Living a purposeful life under Islamic principles involves a delicate balance between adhering to religious tenets and respecting beneficial cultural practices.

Culture and traditions that enhance community life, uphold ethical values, and are in harmony with Islamic principles can be maintained.

However, those that contradict the core teachings of Islam or have lost their relevance should be critically re-evaluated and, if necessary, discarded. Example.. Tahlil. Name one Nas from hadith Sahih that tahlil is practiced by Sunnah Rasulullaah. Or another example name one example birthday of Rasulullaah and para ambiya celebrated and practiced every year. Answer to that is Rasulullaah only doa to the deceased and none ever celebrated for birthdays, not to mention luxurious birthdays every year, time and money wasted!

This approach ensures that cultural identity and religious obligations coexist in a manner that enriches the lives of individuals and the community as a whole.

Edit: Culture came from humans. Religion came from God. Similarly, it is important to remember to prioritize Islam over culture! Bring Faith along with our lives constantly, continuously without fail.



I think there's a misconception that we are not worshipping the dead, it's more to honouring them, thanking them for giving us life and for us being alive due to their sacrifices and dedication to look after family.

The traditions are there in place to showcase the uniqueness and diverse culture, history and Heritage of a country. If we cut out most of what you say to cut, it will not be any different from any other countries culture and heritage.

To uphold tradition is to respect our culture and heritage of our forefathers unless you want to insult them and disregard and be disrespectful for their efforts and what they've given to our heritage, that is what you're saying. This has nothing to do with religion per say it's more to heritage and identity of our nation.

The Hindu practices were in place since the Srivijaya and Majapahit Kingdoms before Islam became epiccenter of our nation, it has nothing to do with religious practice but upholding heritage and respect to our forefathers.

You may not think it's important to honour them but are you ready and can you face your ancestors in the afterlife and tell them what you have said and mentioned in your post? Afterlife is very real unless you don't believe in the here after.



Not emotional answers...... Soalannya sendiri yang emosi.. cuba palui tu jangan di nampakkan.



id answer but im just a big ol dumbo



Respect goes both ways. People should respect how others decide to celebrate their marriage.



I feel you, I deal with those kind of people in my family. Ani kalau nada common sense iatah jadi nya payah. Apa yg d baca atu mesti di fahami and bepikir, sadly not everyone knows how to think.

From my experience, dad side is religious. My mom side however lebih utamakan tradisi and adat. Dad's side of family selalu attack my mom, I didnt stop them because she deserves it. Malu ku sudah kan mendefend ia blk2.

Bottom line is, tradition is religion for her. "Kalau nda d buat barang atu, bsok meninggal. Kalau d buat benda atu, bsok nya sumbing kau tu." Payah sikit kalau org nda waras ani, di tagur bisai2 kana ucap kasar. Start nya cemani is when one of her menantu kaya raya and associated with royal. When you run out of money, thats when you get greedy. We already know how simple it is Nikah ikut sunnah. Bagi orang inda mampu bah, mesti jua nikah ikut cara Melayu? Setahu ku nada Nabi-nabi berucap miatu.


