Tolong kitani sebarkan cerita ani! ⭐

I found the information below and here's a summary

Dive into the delicious world of '吃什么EatWhat' where food adventures come alive! This bilingual food channel takes you on a tasty journey through Malaysian cuisine and beyond, answering the eternal question: 'Eh, eat what??' Get ready for mouthwatering food reviews and local culinary experiences that'll make your taste buds dance!




A bilingual food channel dedicated to exploring and sharing delicious food experiences across Malaysia and beyond. Join our hosts as they answer the question: 'Eh, eat what??' through engaging videos and culinary adventures.

A bilingual food channel dedicated to exploring and sharing delicious food experiences across Malaysia and beyond. Join our hosts as they answer the question: 'Eh, eat what??' through engaging videos and culinary adventures.

Things (2)

An image #1

Kuih Malaya

A traditional Malaysian snack.

2.5 BND

An image #1

Kuih Malaya

Availability: In Stock

2.5 BND

A traditional Malaysian snack.