Mar 28, 2024, 6:27:10 AM
🪴The Hanging Plant🪴
#thetwistandturnco #crochet #plant #crochetplant #crochetmonsteraleaf #crochetstringofpearls #crochetplantpot #stringofpearls #succulents #hangingplants #crochethangingplant #green↳
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I found the information below and here's a summary
Did you know that crocheted plants can be a fun and quirky way to bring greenery into your home without the need for watering? The Twist & Turn Co. has created some adorable hanging plant designs that look great and are 100% maintenance-free!
Handmade crochet hanging plants including various designs such as Monstera leaves, String of Pearls, and succulents in crochet plant pots.
also has 11+ Product.