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reddit post

Jun 20, 2024, 12:14:41 AM


BDMD: Active weather condition to persist until Sunday



Active weather condition expected until Sunday: BDMD

^(June 20, 2024)

Active weather condition is forecasted to extend until Sunday morning with occasional heavy and thundery showers, affecting numerous areas in the country, the Brunei Darussalam Meteorological Department (BDMD) stated yesterday.

Wind gust may reach up to 45 kilometres per hour (km/h) during or near heavy and thundery showers.

Over Brunei waters, the sea state is generally moderate to rough, with waves up to three metres, especially at offshore areas.

The agency also said the Sultanate is in the southwest monsoon, which is expected to last until September. During southwest monsoon, atmospheric conditions over the Sultanate tend to be quite stable with minimal thunderstorms compared to the inter-monsoon period.

The wind condition will generally be blowing from the southwest direction during this period.

The public is advised to take precautionary action as there is a risk of flash floods especially at low-lying and flood prone areas as well as near river banks during continuous heavy rain and also high tide.

The risk of landslides and fallen trees are also possible during heavy showers and gusty condition.

The public, road users and fishermen are also advised to always be up to date with the latest weather forecast, advisory and warning issued by the BDMD and to take action to ensure safety.

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