Aug 6, 2024, 8:54:40 AM
To those who got their jobs to nepotism↳
Cuba tanya HM
Hmmm. There’s nepotism and there’s helping your parent/s’ business. For me, I’m helping my father start their (he has local business partners) business by working three different positions. Personally, I think people shouldn’t be guilty about nepotism but instead make it an opportunity to show people that your parent/s made the right choice.
Id never want to work with close friends or family members. Too much conflict of interest.
Idk but i could sort of understand them using leverage, bcause it really is hard to cari keraja. i would use it too if i have a leverage but sadly i dont so i stay poor, forever in debt 🥹. Im sure they feel fine driving in their mercedes benz with starbucks in hand
My opinion:
Nepotism is a combination of "daddy punya kawan/kenalan/keluarga" + overseas graduates
Because most of the higher ups in most gamen departments ada bin/binti dato/pehin etc and most of them grads dari uk/us/oz. You can look at MOD and JPM, go to their websites and look at their names and education background.
But you have to ask yourselves this, if you are a pehin/dato/pg anak or even orang biasa yang have-have, basically ada the capability to send your children studying overseas, would you do the same?
Sidenote, kalau orang atas pun nepotism, memang rakyat biasa pun mengikut lah. Its an embedded culture already here and there unfortunately. Jangan kan cakap gamen saja, GLCs yang di Belait atu pun banyak hehe.
It depends. Knew two different people who land a job in the govt sect.
First friend managed to land a job bcs dato father earned dato title from that Govt job aid him and tip the scale to his son’s favour. However his son put in some hardwork to get in and fall short of excellence but attain the passing mark. Son is working extra hard because his father is dato there so he wants to jaga his name also.
Another friend got in the same job bcs dad is someone big, old money type of big. “ i scratch ur back u scratch mine”. No my friend is not tm. Son puts minimal work and heard from friend even orang atas inda berani taiepalat arahnya.
My honest thoughts. Im happy for both of them to land a hard job but theres an advantage and slight unfairness.
One good nepo case is like the dato son, he just need that for the entry bcs before this ya unemployed. (Puts in hard work)
My other friend dont know the value of money so having to work for the sake of work.
writing this comment just made me realised that i guess what people say is true. You need “orang dalam”. Having that cable is just a requirement now in brunei.
I don't mind nepotism if they are good in doing their job but unfortunately most of them don't even know what they are doing
Inherited my dads business overseas. I once studied to be a scientist, specifically Physicists, under Quantum Physics but can't find a job in Brunei so I hesitantly accept nepotism and join my dads boring foods and beverage industries. Although I am living comfortably now, I may try again to be a Physicist.
In the private sector and got my job from a non-familial connection inside. Qualifications and experience matched and it was straight in.
Not sure if that's nepotism but do I feel like I deserve it? Yeah. Imo, it's a combination of all the effort to go to events, connect, network and keep those relationships healthy.
Do I feel other people are deserving? Absolutely. I'm confident in my ability to do the job but I know for a fact someone else out would be better. But, imo the whole job market is a mess and the economy is likely tanking in the next few years so I'm taking every opportunity I get.
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I found the information below and here's a summary
Nepotism: the ultimate family business secret! It's like a game of 'who you know' where some have the golden ticket while others are left scratching their heads. Some folks see it as a chance to prove their worth, while others just wish they had a family friend with connections. It's a wild mix of privilege, hard work, and a sprinkle of luck!
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