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I found the information below and here's a summary

I'm thinking


instagram post


May 9, 2024, 11:02:18 AM

Earlier today, a delegation consisting of 27 Trainee Officers from the Foreign Service Academy of Bangladesh, under the leadership of Ms Shahnaz Gazi, Director General, accompanied by Ms Mst Ashifa Ashraf, Senior Assistant Secretary, and Mr Md Arifur Rahman, Assistant Secretary, paid a visit to the UBD Botanical Research Centre.

The team at UBD BRC conducted a concise tour for the delegation, elucidating on the diverse array of medicinal plants within the facility. Additionally, the delegation had the opportunity to sample honey produced by stingless bees.

#universitibruneidarussalam #ubd #botanicalresearchcentre #biodiversity #medicinalplants #bangladesh

#SDGs #SDGsBrunei #BruneiMampan #SDG2030 #sustainabilitydevelopment #actnow


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