Oct 25, 2024, 11:26:07 PM
Imams call on believers to shun riya’ (showing off) and embrace sincerity
Wait what? All those golden plated everything is not for show offs? How bout those expensive luxury watches? Luxury limited edition cars?
oh how ironic how about the royalties, the old geezer mufti and the senile old fart badarudin?
Then the ministers shouldn’t have mercs as official cars.
^(21 mins ago)
During the Friday sermon today, Imams across the country urged the faithful to embrace virtuous qualities while steering clear of behaviours that run counter to Islamic teachings, focusing particularly on the dangers of riya’ or showing off.
Imams highlighted that true happiness and success are only attainable through sincere actions in this world and the hereafter.
The sermon described riya’ as a “spiritual ailment” that resides in the hidden corners of a person’s heart, motivated by a desire for praise from others. Drawing from the teachings of Imam Al-Hafiz Ahmad ibn Hajar Al-’Asqalani, the Imams explained that riya’ involves outwardly displaying acts of worship with the intention of being admired.
Such actions, they noted, are starkly different from those aimed at inspiring others towards goodness, as the latter are performed solely for the sake of Allah the Almighty.
The message was clear: a person who engages in riya’ is more concerned with showcasing their virtues and achievements rather than seeking divine approval.
Such individuals, imams said, are always on the lookout for praise, and adjust their actions based on how others perceive them – thriving when commended, yet retreating when criticised.
This attitude, imams emphasised, contradicts the core Islamic principle of performing good deeds with pure intent and sincerity.
The sermon also warned that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) classified riya’ as shirk asghar or minor idolatry – an insidious form of associating others with Allah the Almighty.
As such, riya’ is seen as a destroyer of good deeds, making actions worthless without the person even realising it.
Imams noted that pride, the pursuit of fame, and forgetting the majesty of Allah the Almighty often drive a person towards riya’.
To combat this, they outlined several key steps, urging believers to adopt mujahadah (earnest striving against desires), muraqabah (self-monitoring), taubah (repentance), tawadhu’ (humility), sincerity, and gratitude. These practices, they said, help purify the heart and soul, steering individuals away from insincere intentions.
The sermon concluded with an unequivocal call to action, which was to strive for purity of intention, acting solely for the pleasure of Allah the Almighty. Imams encouraged worshippers to remember Allah the Almighty whenever feelings of riya’ arise, seeking His forgiveness and turning away from insincerity.
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I found the information below and here's a summary
Did you know? Imams recently called on believers to ditch 'riya' (showing off) and embrace sincerity! It's like a spiritual detox for the soul! They emphasized that true happiness comes from genuine actions rather than seeking praise. Imagine a world where everyone focuses on inner goodness instead of flaunting their luxury watches and cars! Now that's a refreshing thought!