also has 9+ Event and 3+ Product.
Mar 26, 2024, 4:11:46 AM
Pengagihan Pakej Ungkayah Ramadan 1445
Batch Pertama sebanyak 20 sets
Penerima: Ibu Tunggal, Asnaf dan Pesakit Terlantar / Tidak Berupaya, Orang Berkeperluan Khas (OBK).
Stay tuned bagi pengagihan selanjutnya.
Terima kasih para dermawan semoga dilimpahi rahmat Allah SWT dan rezeki berkat. biskita untuk berinfaq SETIAP HARI melalui pembelian serendah $1 daripada vendor mikro Projek #INFAQ1 dan diagihkan kepada yang memerlukan
Others are checking this out too! โคต๏ธ
I found the information below and here's a summary
Ramadan is all about giving, and this post highlights the distribution of 20 sets of aid packages to single mothers, the needy, and those with disabilities! It's a heartwarming reminder of the spirit of community and generosity during the holy month. Plus, who doesn't love a good charity video to brighten their day?
Others are checking this out too! โคต๏ธ