also has many Articles, 1+ Event and 1+ Service.
I found the information below and here's a summary
Thirteen veteran cyclists from two groups enjoyed a leisurely ride in the Belait District, fostering camaraderie and supporting a solo adventurer on a folding bike.
Published on 26th June 2023
Thirteen cyclists from Oil Town Cycling, led by Haji Abu Bakar bin Haji Abdullah, and Penaga Folding, led by Pengiran Afindi bin Pengiran Haji Damit, enjoyed a leisurely ride in the Belait District. They accompanied solo folding bike adventurer Pengiran Shahminan bin Pengiran Haji Abdul Rahim from Brunei Muara. The rid...
Brunei's leading English daily, serving the nation since 1953. Published by Brunei Press Sdn Bhd. 📰📱💻