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Datastream Digital Sdn Bhd

Datastream Digital Sdn Bhd

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I found the information below and here's a summary

How about this: the post received 119 likes, showing that people appreciate the effort to communicate during challenging times! Plus, it’s a reminder of the importance of patience and understanding, especially as we navigate through the ups and downs of connectivity in a COVID-19 world.


instagram post

Sila ambil maklum tentang maklumat diatas. Kerjasama dan kesabaran biskita ketika mencuba menghubungi talian kami sangat dihargai. Kami memohon maaf di atas kesulitan yang di alami.

Please be informed of the above information. We seek your consideration and patience as we do our best to answers your calls, and we sincerely apologise for the inconvenience.

Stay safe everyone.

#dstbn #COVID19 #LimitlessConnectivity #Everywhere

Feb 18, 2022, 3:03:58 AM

Sila ambil maklum tentang maklumat diatas. Kerjasama dan kesabaran biskita ketika mencuba menghubungi talian kami sangat dihargai. Kami memohon maaf di atas kesulitan yang di alami.

Please be informed of the above information. We seek your consideration and patience as we do our best to answers your calls, and we sincerely apologise for the inconvenience.

Stay safe everyone.

#dstbn #COVID19 #LimitlessConnectivity #Everywhere

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Datastream Digital Sdn Bhd

Official Instagram of DST. Your go-to digital-first operator for mobile, fixed, and all things digital. Join us for exclusive offers, cashback deals, and the latest in digital services!

Official Instagram of DST. Your go-to digital-first operator for mobile, fixed, and all things digital. Join us for exclusive offers, cashback deals, and the latest in digital services!