Aug 2, 2024, 4:40:38 AM
Is it too hard to use your indicator lights ?↳
and then, there's me. honking at people who malas to use their signals especially arah roundabout..
These people think that their insurance nya covered for any accident but ours how?
Flick those indicators for safety’s sake!
Oh for us drivers, dont be afraid to use your klaxon. It is equipped to alert stupid drivers.
Drivers nowadays, brake dulu baru signal, annoying .
Pisin mcm ani mau minta bagi jln, keluar simpang nda pyh angkat tgn bterima kasih, tp karit kan mbagi jln, not being racist tp prnh ku angkat tgn konon minta bagi jln tah ni, chinese aunty ani bkaca mata hitam basar2 mua, laju kan nya tia pulang, not 1 but 2 chinese aunties, mahal mbagi jln ani ada bank deduction usulnya
I don't understand what makes them difficult using light signal everything keluar simpang or roundabout? Me as a driver less then a year since i got my driving license, i always use light indicator even though its quiet traffic. This make me a good habit how cautious i am to drive and make other life easier to know that you going to that direction. Please for those driver who doesn't use light indicator, always use it. Dont think you the king of a road even though you not the one who built the road. Safety matters. For you and also others as well.
These people mentally challenged kali
Thankfully it isn’t hard these people are probably either arrogant entitled or want their car severely destroyed by an accident. ALWAYS USE SIGNALS! Car signal saves lives and is a crucial role in road and traffic safety.
Those who do not use signals are basically asking to have an accident on the road with their cars. I guess its not in their nature
Drg ani konon bali kereta yg di brunei ani bulih baca pikiran pemandu lain.
Tabak bauta lah jenis yg inda pandai pakai signal atu. Inda ku tau drg mau kana design cana kalau kalau inda pakai jari di katik? Mungkin pakai jubur drg kali masa duduk.
Ego banar tu org catu, bila salah drg..padahnya tani inda peka masa memandu.
Heck, I even use my blinkers even when I drive alone late at night when theres like 1 or 2 cars on the road. Saja just to keep on biasakan minda untuk rajin-rajin signal on the road.
Finally someone brought this issue up, I hate it when people don't signal. Macam barat atau mahal saja besignal atu.
I found the information below and here's a summary
Did you know that using your indicator lights can actually save lives? It's like giving a heads-up to other drivers about your next move, turning the road into a fun game of 'Guess Where I'm Going!' So, flick those lights and keep the roads safe and friendly!