Aug 18, 2024, 12:58:18 AM
Decades of underdevelopment: How median monthly salary in the golden rich country falls below 3 areas in Malaysia↳
So embarrassing once the richest country in ASEAN nations, and NOW? WHAT HAPPENED? Where are professional government officials who have universities degrees and phd's? Use your knowledge to make Brunei great again don't keep them to yourselves just to have promotions to become WELL FED MINISTERS!!!!
One must say some private company paying right and above the price and yet the local colleague workers still lazy and didn’t turn up to work. Come and go work as they please. Didn’t even know what the fuck is going on with the stupid government out of control & allowing lazy locals to rot.
The govt also restricted the foreign hiring process and created the short of labour force. Bunch of dumb fuck govt paper pusher doesn’t even understand business needs or help to ease the local businesses, so how the fuck is the country business sector able to grow and help make shift the economy with the dumb and stupid government. Let along everyone complaining about getting pay less with subject to inflation on goods and unnecessary tax. At worst locals shop at the border to cope with tax less goods? Hence we are left with a slow economy.
Best of all we have some one just splashing and buying mansion by stealing Our national wealth.
Bnd900 where?
Nearly 4 times difference between position 1 & 2
lol we are fucked bro
Are the figures the take home pay after tax, or is it before tax? Tax including Tabung Haji/Mosque Fund/SKP/CPF/etc.
If a person earning around median income in Brunei, will they make more money moving to KL (for example) with the same job on average? Things to think about.
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I found the information below and here's a summary
It's a wild ride! Once the richest in ASEAN, Brunei's median salary is now lower than some Malaysian regions. The comments are a mix of frustration and humor, showcasing the local sentiment about the economy, government, and even workplace attitudes. It's like a reality show where everyone’s got an opinion on how to fix the 'mess'!
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