Tolong kitani sebarkan cerita ani! ⭐

I found the information below and here's a summary

Progresif Sdn Bhd celebrated World Kindness Day by distributing over 300 free drinks and ice creams, aiming to uplift community spirits and promote kindness.


Progresif Spreads Joy in BandarKu Ceria

Published on 19th November 2023

In celebration of World Kindness Day on November 13th, Progresif Sdn Bhd distributed over 300 free drinks and ice cream to the community at BandarKu Ceria. Supported by BELTS and Oatbedient, this initiative aimed to uplift spirits and spread joy. Hajah Nurul Haniah binti Haji Jaafar, CEO of Progresif, emphasized the po...

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Borneo Bulletin

Brunei's leading English daily, serving the nation since 1953. Published by Brunei Press Sdn Bhd. 📰📱💻

Brunei's leading English daily, serving the nation since 1953. Published by Brunei Press Sdn Bhd. 

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