Oct 7, 2022, 10:48:03 AM
Selawat serta Salam ke atas Junjungan Besar Nabi Muhammad S.A.W.
Pengerusi, Pihak Lembaga Pengarah, Pengurusan dan Kakitangan DST ingin mengucapkan Salam Maulidur Rasul 1444H kepada semua umat Islam di Negara Brunei Darussalam.
Sila ambil maklum, semua cawangan-cawangan kami akan tutup pada Hari Sabtu, 8hb Oktober 2022 sempena Sambutan Maulud Nabi Muhammad S.A.W.
Kredit Audio: azlee_abdussalam
#dstbn #MauludNabi #1444H
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Did you know that DST, a company in Brunei, closed all its branches to celebrate Maulidur Rasul in 2022? It's a great way to honor the occasion and gives employees a day off to reflect and celebrate!