Hello πŸ‘‹πŸ», you are previewing Brunei's next generation πŸŽ‰

Everything Bruneireally, everything ‴︎

I found the information below and here's a summary


I'm thinking


reddit post

Aug 24, 2024, 1:03:07 AM


Abusive Parent




Jangan dulu keluar or missing, she might target other siblings. Not to be bad-mouthing your mother, but anything can happen, and you don’t want that



Call JAPEM 121. Its not always an immediate solution but they can give you guidance and support and know that you are not alone. At least by doing this you are under their radar. Just talk to them first.



At the mean time, bertahan tah dlu, abiskan ur study. Then cari kerja, then baru fikirkan kan menyewa rumah / tinggal ali2..



finish your final semester. apply for a part time job. you wont make as much but you can use this money to get your own place with your siblings. no matter how small but aslong as its away from her. just say living elsewhere is easier for you. cause youre 23 with a job, she cant tell you what to do anymore. anything else is just her trying to assert her power over you which she no longer has,



agree wit some of the advices given here.. hang in there lai, doakan yg baik-baik for ur mom.. sometimes under pressure, stress & circumstances can make ppl act out of character.. seek help for ur own good, also ur siblings and mom as well.. try pasang radio stesen mgaji.. softly in the background.. might help bring calmness. avoid confrontation, just block out those mean words.. hugs lai.. i pray for ur safety and wellbeing as well as ur siblings, hope u will get through uni with flying colours, take care of ur siblings and hope mom see the light and come to her senses..



Yes. Good advise.πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘



Sis, big hug and stay strong! 🀍🀍🀍



As others have suggested try talking to your mom first , be transparent about everything. If things doesnt get any better, please feel free to approach relevant authorities like JAPEM. There will be people there to support you for sure, not only there but everywhere else. Think whats best for yourself and your siblings. Hopefully things will get better.



I dont know if this is a good advice but hang in there for the sake of your future and your siblings, as you are about to finish your semester it is best to avoid any future disturbance to your career. Finish your studies, plan your future ahead and get out of there as soon as you are financially stable.

I know it will be tough for your living life in such condition but Allah will never test His servant beyond their capability. InshaAllah dengan syukur dan tawakkal dengan apa yang ada, semua akan dipermudahkan.


