Hello 👋🏻, you are previewing Brunei's next generation 🎉

Everything Bruneireally, everything ⤴︎

I found the information below and here's a summary


I'm thinking


reddit post

Jun 1, 2024, 7:23:52 AM


Malaysian marry Bruneian




Can't respond much on your point 1 because we didn't have the ceremony in Brunei, but in terms of point 2 , for long term planning a few things I could possibly share.

In terms of citizenship or permanent residency it's extremely difficult especially if you are male. For a female marrying a Bruneian male, it's now up to 15 years of marriage before the spouse can obtain a PR.

Without any PR rights, you might find it tricky career wise in terms of things like registering your own company.

For job purposes, you wouldn't need a quota so that puts you at an advantage above typical foreigners as your future wife would be able to Jamin you.

In terms of lifestyle, BND currency is strong as long as it remains pegged to SGD. Compared to what earnings are in RM, you'd find earning in BND will be higher. Another point is there's no tax in Brunei.

Having lived in both countries, it's really more about what "lifestyle" you're after. Cost of living in BN is low, things are relatively affordable. There's less entertainment and activities so you'll be able to put aside your earnings. Its also a relatively short flight out to Sg /KL.

For a young couple embarking on a career journey, I would say KL has more opportunities for experience and growth. For a young couple starting a family, BN is rather safe with a better balance of work and family life. Less stressful and less hectic compared to KL. You'll get to spend more time with kids and family. Also people are generally more friendly and warm in BN.

Jobs seem to be scarce nowadays with lower paying wages. Perhaps you could try and apply for a job, give it 1-2 years and see if you can acclimatize to the environment. It can appear somewhat boring for youngsters, but very appealing for retirement aged people.

There's always pros and cons, just depends what you and your future wife are after really. Good luck.



My first wedding cost almost 100k BND and I got divorced a few years after.

Look at it this way, you are spending so much for people to sit down staring at their phones for a few hours and then going home to shit out the food.

Save the money for a home and your future kids and you will be a lot happier.

Also, if you move to Brunei.. odds are you’re gonna be unemployed for a long time. More opportunities in KL.



From a Msian living in Brunei to a Msian, career-wise, remain working in Malaysia. Despite all the difficulties, toxicities, struggle in the job aspect, there is much more to offer in Msia than in Brunei.



In terms of cost of marriage really depends on her family, which puak she is from which adat they wants to keep, and how big they want the wedding to be. No clear answer, all should be discussed during "risik" process.



Build your life in Malaysia! Trust me you will not regret it



Marrying in Islam so simple and cheap. Yet now days is.........



Good luck man. Hopefully your girlfriend’s family is simple and easy going cause it’s usually the family side that tend to do over complicate things.



From what I heard minimum 40k. IT jobs here generally don’t pay that well comparing to developed countries and for husband that’s a foreigner there are more obstacles than wife in terms of visa and sponsorship etc. Lifestyle wise I think major cities in Malaysia have much more to offer…look at the outbound traffic at the immigration during public holidays.



Bring your wife back to malaysia better



Stay in KL bro. You’ll get paid better than in Brunei.


