Mar 3, 2023, 12:00:03 PM
INSTOCK 🐾 Item: Pet Fountain Price: $30
Cats need to drink more water, especially those on a dry food diet. 🐾 But even cats on a wet food diet benefit from the extra water they get from drinking. 💧 Pet fountains help in maintaining a long and healthy life. 😻
Each fountain comes with 1 filter. Add-on filter: $25 for 8 pcs (can use for around one year+).
🤍USB cable given 🤍Filter to be changed once every 1-3 months 🤍High quality, food-safe material↳
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I found the information below and here's a summary
Did you know that pet fountains not only keep your furry friends hydrated but also can help them live longer, healthier lives? Who knew that a simple gadget could pack such a punch for your kitty's health? 🐱💧
also has 13+ Product.
Availability: In Stock
25 BND
Add-on filter for Pet Fountain. $25 for 8 pcs (can use for around one year+).
Availability: In Stock
30 BND
Cats need to drink more water, especially those on a dry food diet. But even cats on a wet food diet benefit from the extra water they get from drinking. Pet fountains help in maintaining a long and h...
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