Start 9 months ago
End 9 months ago
Special business hours for the first and second day of Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Open from 10:30 AM to 10:00 PM.🥚10am-10pm (Friday 12-2 Closed) 🥚Unit 3/4, Block A, An-Nuha Building, Tj Bunut 🥚Call 2667722 for reservations 🥚Click below for WhatsApp
I found the information below and here's a summary
E.G.G. Monster is celebrating Hari Raya Aidilfitri with special hours! You can enjoy their offerings from 10:30 AM to 10:00 PM on April 22nd and 23rd, 2024. 🥳
also has 6+ Event and 2+ Product.