also has 3+ Service and 3+ Event.
Aug 21, 2023, 6:09:30 AM
Semak panduan melengkapkan profil PSCR 2.0.
Bagi sebarang pertanyaan, bolehlah disampaikan melalui WhatsApp atau Telegram Pejabat Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Awam di talian +673 7371961 atau melalui e-mel
Membekal tenaga kerja perkhidmatan awam mengikut keperluan negara dengan cekap.
Others are checking this out too! โคต๏ธ
I found the information below and here's a summary
Did you know that the PSC.BN Instagram post about completing the PSCR 2.0 profile got 97 likes? It's like a mini celebration in the digital world! Plus, if you have questions, you can just slide into their WhatsApp or Telegram. How convenient is that?
Job Applicants
Government Services
Profile Management
Others are checking this out too! โคต๏ธ