Jul 31, 2024, 12:24:29 AM
BB Opinion: Roadside tree-planting works should take place outside rush hours so not to cause unnecessary traffic
^(July 31, 2024)
I was driving along Jalan Muara recently when I got caught in traffic congestion. At first, I thought it was due to an accident. It was close to lunch time, and it seemed to be the best explanation. When I finally reached the source of the jam, I was shocked to see one lane closed off for tree-planting.
I am not opposed to tree-planting. With climate change being a pressing issue of our time, making our environment green is a great initiative to offset the growing threats. However, could these contractors not pick a better time to do so? Lunch hour is when parents pick up their children from school.
I hope more consideration is taken in the future by ensuring roadside tree-planting is carried out during light traffic.
Unhappy Parent
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I found the information below and here's a summary
The opinion expressed highlights the importance of scheduling roadside tree-planting outside of rush hours to minimize traffic disruptions, especially during peak times like lunch hour when families are on the move.