Mar 13, 2024, 12:23:56 PM
Pakej Ungkayah Ramadan 1445
$35 setiap pek yang juga akan mengandungi 2 jenis kueh hari raya.
📲: 8172871
Projek@#INFAQ1 akan bekerjasama dengan beberapa NGO untuk memastikan tiada penerima yang sama. biskita untuk berinfaq SETIAP HARI melalui pembelian serendah $1 daripada vendor mikro Projek #INFAQ1 dan diagihkan kepada yang memerlukan
Others are checking this out too! ⤵︎
I found the information below and here's a summary
Get ready for Ramadan with the Pakej Ungkayah! For just $35, you get a delightful package that includes two types of festive kueh. Plus, it's designed to ensure that no recipient gets the same goodies, thanks to the collaboration with NGOs! How cool is that?
Mar 14, 2024
Availability: 100
35 BND
Sale of Ramadan packages targeting 100 families, in collaboration with several NGOs to ensure no duplicate recipients.
Availability: 100
35 BND
A Ramadan package containing various food items intended for donation, including 2 types of festive cookies.
also has 9+ Event and 3+ Product.
Others are checking this out too! ⤵︎