Tolong kitani sebarkan cerita ani! ⭐

I found the information below and here's a summary

A recent viral video highlighted a concerning hygiene issue at a nasi katok kiosk in Kampung Salambigar, showing rats and prompting calls for stricter food safety measures from authorities. This incident underscores the critical importance of cleanliness in the food industry.


Tikus Serbu Kios Nasi Katok Salambigar

Published on 30th January 2024

A video has gone viral showing rats in a nasi katok kiosk in Kampung Salambigar, raising concerns about hygiene. The incident sparked outrage among customers and calls for authorities to investigate. The author stresses the importance of cleanliness in the food industry and urges relevant authorities to take immediate...

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A video has gone viral showing rats in a nasi katok kiosk in Kampung Salambigar, raising concerns about hygiene. The incident sparked outrage among customers and calls for authorities to investigate.  The author stresses the importance of cleanliness in the food industry and urges relevant authorities to take immediate action against the kiosk owner and ensure stricter hygiene standards are enforced across all food businesses.

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Borneo Bulletin

Brunei's leading English daily, serving the nation since 1953. Published by Brunei Press Sdn Bhd. 📰📱💻

Brunei's leading English daily, serving the nation since 1953. Published by Brunei Press Sdn Bhd. 

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